Our Mission

Lendsnap streamlines the mortgage application process, simplifying gathering
and sharing of required mortgage documentation between lenders and borrowers.

Lendsnap Posts

Lendsnap Featured on TechCrunch with YC Summer 2016 Class

Posted by Mike Romano on Aug 24, 2016 7:27:02 PM

YCombinator, The world’s most prestigious startup school, launched 48 companies today at part 2 of its Summer 2016 Demo Day. Lendsnap was one of the 48 that presented on August 23rd. 

Screen_Shot_2016-08-24_at_3.39.22_PM.pngHere is what they had to say about Lendsnap:

It can take up to 500 pages of documents to apply for a loan, leading 80 percent of people to go with the first lender they find so they don’t get the best price. Lendsnap helps compile the 30 different documents from a loan buyer’s online accounts, from bank statements to W2s. By charging $100 per loan, Lendsnap can chase a $1.8 billion opportunity. Eventually, it wants to pre-compile people’s documents to create a loan marketplace. Loans are already scary enough, Lendsnap could at least make them easy.

Read the entire writeup here. 


What is Lendsnap?

Lendsnap enables a simplified and more secure mortgage, and removes the burden placed on consumers during the application process. By linking to consumer accounts, we are able to gather employer and financial statements directly from the institutions, enabling a fast and simple integration to current origination procedures.

•    Gain incremental volume with increased margins
•    Exceed borrower expectations
•    Drive sales and operational metrics

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